Improving your building’s exterior with tensile shade structures

Improving your building’s exterior with tensile shade structures

When dealing with an aged structure, there are several options to consider. Do you renovate the old structure or demolish it and start over? While new construction is much more expensive, tensile shade structures allow you to remodel in place and offer numerous benefits without the added time and cost of a new build. In this blog, we will see that how tensile shade structures can improve your building’s exterior.

Giving a modern touch: A dilapidated structure maybe not be as pleasing to look at as a new one. Rather than starting from scratch, tensile shade structures can be added to the outside of an existing building to give it the facelift it requires to seem modern. You can change the design of the entire building by a tensile facade. Not only is this less expensive than building, but it is also not permanent, giving you the option to change up the outside appearance more frequently if desired.

Create a memorable appearance: Tensile structures and facades can be used to provide a unique design feature to the exterior of your building. A tensile structure, whether it’s a tensile facade with a graphic design spanning the entire front of your business or a shaded doorway, may greet customers and aid in navigation.

Protection from the weather: Tensile structures are also very reliable when it comes to protection from adverse weather and the UV rays of the sun. Tensile structures increase a building’s endurance and prevent inside goods from fading. Not to add that lightweight tensile shade structures require little to no upkeep.

Improve your energy efficiency: Tensile shades can improve a building’s energy efficiency by blocking UV radiation and solar heat gain. This minimizes the demand for air conditioning while also lowering energy expenditures. Furthermore, it provides greater control over sunshades, decreasing the need for artificial lights.

Conclusion: Tensile structures are a low-cost way to significantly change the outside of a building and boost its value. Consider tensile structures for your next project if you want low maintenance and design flexibility. We at Al Zayed aim to create world-class tensile shade structures that are relatively light in weight since their structural integrity is derived from their pre-stressed form rather than the mass of the material employed.